Dear Media,
Please stop marveling at how anything is happening in Egypt even though the internet is shut down and people can’t get on Twitter or Facebook. You do realize that there were popular revolts before social media, don’t you? In the latter half of the 20th century we had the Prague Spring in 1968, the Soweto uprising in 1976, the Paris riots in 1968, and even Tiananmen Square in 89. How do you think people coordinated the labor demonstrations of the 30s, the anti-colonial revolts of the developing world in the decades following World War II. What about the French Revolution in 1789? OMG? How did they get anything done. They didn’t even have land lines!
You did a better job of reporting on such uprisings before the rise of social media, probably because you had actual reporters in the field. Now you show video and say, “It’s unclear when these images were shot.” Really? It could have been yesterday, earlier today? Are you even sure they are from Egypt and not Tunisia a couple weeks ago? More irresponsibly, you draw conclusions from them. “If this what shot in the last 24 hours, it suggests things quieted down then got worse again.” Thank you, at least, for putting your conclusions in the conditional tense.
Then “experts” in social media read random tweets and, I suspect, re-tweets with no background to discern which are reliable sources. I suppose this is for the general public, but when I want the news from social media, I’ll go to it, on this computer in front of me now as I watch. I expect a different point of view from you.
Please bear this mind as you continue your reporting.
Thank you.